98%* Success Rate of Winning, Reducing or
Eliminating the Penalties
for all 1st Offense Heroin drug charges!

The Penalties in NJ for Distribution of Heroin charged as NJ 2C:35-5:

  • Quantity Needed To Be Charged for Distribution: 1/2 ounce of Heroin or more*
  • Type of Offense: 1st or 2nd Degree Criminal Offense
  • Quantity Needed for Offense: 1st Degree over 5 ounces 2nd Degree over 1/2 ounce up to 5 ounces
  • Standard Jail Term: 1st Degree Offense: 10 to 20 years
  • 2nd Degree Offense: 7 to 10 Years in Jail
  • Standard Fine: 1st Degree Offense: Up to $75,000.00
  • 2nd Degree Offense: Up to $500,000.00
  • Additional Possible Penalties: Probation, Random Drug Testing, Mandatory Drug Treatment or
    Hospitalization, Mandatory DNA Testing, Loss of Drivers License for up to 6 months

Charged with Distribution of Heroin in NJ?
Learn How To Win Free In Office Consultation

What is a Heroin Distribution Charge in New Jersey 2C:35-5

Lawyers Commentary: Heroin Distribution NJSA 2C:35-5(b)(4) or (5) is the possession off Heroin for more than your personal use. By law in New Jersey the State need not prove that the defendant’s knowledge of the quantity of heroin, only that he/she knowingly possessed heroin. *Although, the law states that the quantity must be at least 1/2 ounce, this is not a set in stone figure and if other evidence exists to show that the heroin was going to be sold the quantity number may be reduced. An example where the quantity may be less than 1/2 oz commonly occurs when a person is caught with 15 hits of heroin and a large stash of cash or additional empty glassine bags are found. However, heroin distribution must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and many times this charge can be won by an experienced heroin defense lawyer. When you are facing a minimum 7 to 10 years in jail, you can’t afford to risk your case to just any lawyer. Get Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg and put his proven success on your side. With Attorney H. Scott Aalsbergs’ 98%* Success rate for first time Heroin distribution offenders you know that you will be putting the best chance of winning on your side . . . . . . . .

Set up a free In office consultation and learn how we can help you win your distribution of heroin charge. Some of the defenses we have used in the past include but not limited to: The States Improper Handling of Drugs Before, during and, after the arrest, Improper Testing
Procedures, Improper Arrest Procedures, Improper Stop, Improper Use of Evidence, Entrapment, Coerced or Forced Confessions. Even if your guilty it doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve the best heroin defense. Don’t let your heroin addiction ruin your life!

In New Jersey every charge for Heroin Possession or Distribution is a criminal offense subjecting the charged to 3 to 5 years in Jail. Don’t give up we can help. If we accept your case Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg has a 98%* success rate of winning, reducing or eliminating the penalties you face with a heroin possession offense, but remember the sooner we get started fighting your case the more we can do to help reduce your penalties, eliminate jail or even win your heroin charge.  Past performance is not indicative of future results. 

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Call 1-800-9-RIGHTS for a Free In Office Consultation and
Learn How To Win your NJ Heroin Possession or Distribution Charge

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Heroin Lawyer H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C

Heroin Defenses – Penalties – Drug Charge Reductions
Defending All NJ Drug Offenses


www.NJHeroinLawyer.com “our name says it all”

*98% Success rate of winning, reducing or eliminating the penalties refers to either winning or reducing the penalties the client was facing for a first offense heroin charge in the State of New Jersey for charges not occurring in a school zone, pubic housing project or park. Past performance is not indicative of future performance and by law no attorney can guarantee any result in a particular case. Additional penalties apply if person is charged with possession of heroin in a NJ School Zone, Public Hoousing or Park. This web site is not intended to give legal advise, therefore, if you have a legal question concerning a New Jersey Heroin Drug Charge Offense, please call our office at (732) 257-5040 or 1-800-9-RIGHTS to set up a an in office consultation with one of our New Jersey Criminal Lawyers. Free office consultations are limited to those charged with Heroin 2C:35-10 or other Drug Charge Offenses in the State of New Jersey with our usual consultation fee of $175.00 waived during normal business hours if you mention this website when making the consultation. If you have been busted, arrested or charged with heroin possession or distribution, the most important part of your defense is choosing the right lawyer and choosing that lawyer quickly. The more time the lawyer has to work on your case the better the result. This gives the lawyer time to choose the best options for your defense and to try more defenses. Legal Disclaimer: Before Making your choice of an Attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. If this Advertisement is inaccurate or misleading, you may report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising at Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 037. Trenton, New Jersey 08625.

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